Thursday, October 17, 2024

Mexico's Wings of Wonder & Pyramids

best time to see butterflies is january and feb.

Journey into the heart of an emerald forest to see the swirling kaleidoscope of thousands and thousands of colorful Monarch Butterflies that make Mexico their winter home. See magnificent palaces, time mellowed Spanish colonial architecture, float along a canal of flowers, and climb to the top of the famous pyramids of Teotihuacan. The wonders of Mexico are calling.

Day 1 - Welcome to Mexico - Mexico City

Our destination is Mexico City founded in 1325 as Tenochtitlan before it was colonized by the Spanish in 1521. Today Mexico City is a vibrant city known for its excellent cuisine, colorful markets, historic architecture, and culture scene. We arrive in Mexico City and transfer to our hotel where we will have time to freshen up and meet other travelers and our tour director at the welcome dinner. (D)

Day 2 - Xochimico/Frida Kahlo Museum

After breakfast, we head to Xochimico, a UNESCO World Heritage Site for a boat ride through an extensive lake and canal system that is an area of Mexico's pre-Hispanic past. Along the way, we will float on gondalesque boats called trajineras past artificial islands called chinampas with their beautiful gardens. The chinampas were constructed by the Aztecs from juniper branches to allow them to cultivate gardens. There will be plenty of time to shop in the market and have lunch. Located in the picturesque Coyoacan neighborhood that will transport you back to the colonial era we will visit the Frida Kahlo Museum. Tour the historic home of one of Mexico's most renowned painters best known for her brilliantly colored self-portraits that deal with a variety of subjects. We will return to our hotel where you will have the rest of the evening and dinner on your own. (B) (L)

Day 3 -Valle De Bravo/Botanical Museum

After breakfast, we will depart for the colonial-era village of Valle de Bravo, which is considered one of Mexico's pueblo magicos (magic towns). Along the way, we will stop in the city of Toluca to visit the Cosmovitral Botanical Garden. This garden is surrounded by stunning stained glass windows that bathe the garden in colored light.  Continuing on we will have time to have lunch and explore the idyllic village of Valle De Bravo. Go shopping in the town center consisting of winding cobblestone streets and historic white stucco buildings with red-tiled roofs. At the arts and crafts market look for artisan pottery, Mazahua handicrafts, and baskets made from woven pine needles. Tonight we settle in our hotel and have dinner together to talk about our adventures of the day.  (B) (D)

Day 4 - Monarch Santuary

Today's highlight is to be immersed in the enchanting world of monarch butterflies at the Sierra Chincua Sanctuary. Mexico's forests provide an important refuge for these beautiful creatures.  Every year more than one billion monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico to live amid the fir and pine forests here. Arriving at the Visitor Center, we will meet our local guide at this UNESCO Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve for a leisurely 40-minute hike. Clusters of butterflies greet us in this forest refuge, sometimes the butterflies are so thick on a branch that it actually breaks!  Once we reach the sanctuary we have the option of taking a short trail through the sanctuary for better views of the butterflies. (B) (L) (D)

Day 5 - El Rosario Sanctuary

After breakfast, we depart for El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary. This is the most accessible of Mexico's five protected sanctuaries of wintering Monarchs. Today's hike with our local guide is on a well-maintained but steep trail that takes about 40 minutes to traverse each way. You may opt for a horseback ride (on your own) where the guide leads your horse along the trail for 20 minutes. The hike (or horseback ride) is well worth it because you will be rewarded with seeing thousands and thousands of butterflies dancing amid the forest. At least 40% of all Monarch butterflies winter here making this one of the best places to see them in Mexico. (B) (L) (D)

Day 6 - Semillas De Esperanza/La Marquesa

After breakfast, we head to Semillas De Esperanza, for a tour of this amazing organic botanical garden. Tyler  really couldn't find anything on this garden - depending on where we are let's visit something else.


Day 6 - Chapultepec Park & Mexico City

After breakfast, we head back to Mexico City. Today we will meet our local guide and explore Chapultepec Park, the oldest and largest public park in Latin America. Strolling through the park, we will pass the Monument to the Ninos Heros commemorating the Mexican-American battle of 1847, and the petroglyphs of Moctezuma II. Not to be missed is a tour of Museo del Caracol and Chapultepec Castle. Inside the Castle, we will tour the National Museum of Anthropology, home to the world's largest collection of ancient Mexican artifacts, and the Palace with various rooms decorated as they had been in the 19th century when Emperor Maximillian and Carlotta lived here. Look for lunch amid the vendors and restaurants along the road.  This afternoon we check into our hotel and and have the rest of the evening and dinner on our own. (B) 

Day 7 - Teotihuacan (NEW only one hour from Mexico City) NEW COPY

After breakfast, we leave for Teotihuacan, a World UNESCO site and one of the most famous ruins in Mexico. This ruin is shrouded in mystery as archeologists are still not sure who founded the city and lived here between 300 and 800 BC. Two of the most notable structures are the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon which we will see when strolling along the Avenue of the Dead. Other notable structures include the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, the Jaguar Palace with its red-painted murals, and the Archaeological Museum. After lunch, we will head back to Mexico City where the rest of the day is at your leisure. Tonight we have a folkloric cultural show along with our farewell dinner. (B) (L) (D)

Day 8 - Homeward Bound 

Adios Mexico! We leave for our return flights home after breakfast. (B) 

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Mexico's Wings of Wonder & Pyramids best time to see butterflies is january and feb. Journey into ...